The worship of God starts with man hood

Man's foreskin is his church.

It is his place of worship of God and pleasure.

Man thinks with his church.

Sum call that sin.

 It's his protecion from evil forces.

No one should have to feel the pain of seeing their church destroyed.

By another man.

Destruction and repurpose rituals get performed like theater.

By evil doers.

It shall never be forgiven.

It cannot be restored.

Curtain torn. Set ruined.

The time of connection is lost for eternity.

How shall the courts deal with these sick humans?

Will it be handled by jesters?

Man's foreskin is his church.

One day he saw it plastered all over the boob box.

The entertainer laughed and her jesters cajoled.

Thought it was fonny to wear baby foreskin face cream.

It's a sin worthy of the soul sent to a worse place than HELL.

Fire is too kind.

The human said it wears penis facials with real penis parts.

Satan thought it abhorrent.

The Devil dropped all the details.

Soul shredders on order.

Forethought was circumcised.

The gods of intact integrity will decide.

Eye for an eye body part for body part.

This world is not where we live.


Fuzzy Bear