David Martin and Alec Zeck in 2023

Virus origninated as a term in 14th century referring to poison says Dr. Martin. At 21 min Martin says there is no legal definition of a virus (much like there is no legal definition of Santa Clause). Says there is about a dozen legal definitions for vaccine! Zeck should not interrupt so much.

Note especially when Zeck skims over "model" and Martin stops him in his tracks to help clarify he said "model", think model as in computer model, also known now as IN SILICO, which means it's fake, so David was speaking about FAKE VIRUSES and Zeck gets all bent out of shape! ROFL. Zeck claims Martin's public statements are "confusing". Not if you understand precision in language it's not and this is exactly the basis of this whole discussion and primary point made by Martin. A model is a belief system or dogma or religion! It's not real. For example a model car is real but it's not a real car it's a model. Covid is another belief system, it's another religion, you seek salvation every time with each and every of these false prophets! Alec also appeared on OANN. Martin makes some interesting points about Tom Cowan's assertions. At about 1 hr 12 min Martin highlights there is not one problem that needs focus such as what Tom Cowan and others are doing focusing on "virus does not exist" and his statement is stellar. Then what's really funny after an entire show of Zeck interrupting, he claims Martin is always interrupting. ROFL. Then at the end were watch them both go in circles and like a merry go round comes to an end, we all get off the ride having enjoyed it, or if we are parents watching the kids, we greet them with open arms.

Covid-19 by definition cannot spread

Zeck got real stuck on trying to get clarity on Martin's position on whether he believes viruses exist or do not exist. He did not seem satisfied with any of Martin's explanations though I was. I felt he clarified precisely (which is rare in many discussions) of his position. Zeck kept claiming that in many of his Martin's podcasts (quoting around 40 he watched and Martin clarified he has done 400 which again it was clarified that Zeck did not watch all of them) that Martin confused the public about the existence of viruses. I looked back at one of the many I watched, pulled this short clip for more CLARITY where Martin clarified his position about viruses existing without anyone even there, just to be CLEAR. Obviously this position of Martins on viruses keeps going over Zeck's head as we saw in the entire interview above. In the short clip below David says Covid-19 by definition cannot spread and makes sure audience watching knows he's not saying viruses exist.

At 14 minutes in to his full presentation from Egypt the plan for the planned PAN (god of debauchery and mischief) demic was exposed

Found here on one of his old podcasts David Martin around the first year of Kovid
"You'll never find what your're not looking for"


covid does not spread

by definition it is a description of symptoms

symptoms do not spread

symptoms are a condition of a body

they cannot be thrown in the air and caught by someone else any more than a cut on a finger that caused the symptom of pain could be spread

places that matter

what is Today's Date?

size matters

identities are gay

Joshua's tree

no phone no food

mask you raid party

evacuating coastlines

even influenza gets it

green is the new black

white colonists r us

politicial landfills

round lensists

ZERO by 50

carbon left no prints

exercise (closed)

restaurants (closed)

theaters (closed)

does it matter?