N95 blue surgical masks do not stop viruses any more than unicorns can pull a plow.

Viruses are better described as mythical creatures and artist renderings.

Somehow in 2020 humanity got duped into believing and/or just obeying orders that stated there was a novel virus and to protect from it wearing cloth over one's face helped these mythical creatures from getting inside their heads and lungs. Here is a picture showing the size differences of round "corona" peg virus going through the square mask hole.

Round corona peg is about 100x smaller than the square fabric hole.

This is what health (hellth) departments should have been showing the public as this represents the reality of the science presented about "viruses" not the stupid cartoons they displayed everywhere of huge spike balls.

It says right on the labels of boxes that contain recommended masks that they don't stop viruses. One of the better ones made by 3M states "This respirator helps protect against certain particulate contaminants but does not eliminate exposure to or the risk of contracting any disease or infection. Misuse may result in sickness or death."


On this box it also references following OSHA guidelines. It should say misuse would be NOT following OSHA guidelines that prioritize need for fresh oxygen supply.

Early on in this fake pandemic OSHA reps stated publicly wearing respirators that cut down oxygen supply are meant for very limited uses and short term such as not to wear these for more than 20 minutes due to them cutting down oxygen supply which is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY FOR HEALTH. They also state they should be thrown away every 20 minutes as they collect moisture which then is breeding ground for bacteria. These are unhealthy to use as was done.

If there was a new deadly novel variant where were the red bio hazard bins for these face diapers?

OSHA voices were drowned out by the scoundrels in governing in "health" matters such as scumbag Fauci and his gang of cohorts shouting from on high and TV junk news whose main sources of revenue come from greedy pharmaceutical companies that lie lie and lie about their products. they are all hustlers.

OSHA which is a more balanced organization than anything Fauci was ever involved in states respirators like this should only be used in certain situations such as cutting down construction dust which are real particles that can be measured and observed and that they DO NOT STOP VIRUSES.

Surgeons would wear these to stop spit from getting into open bodies in surgery, not to stop viruses or even bacteria as it doesn't stop either.

This cold and flu charade rebranded as Kovid was used to sell lucrative unproven safe or effective patented drugs such as Paxlovid that don't work, but work well to fill portfolios to the brim with our money. This is how drug companies who are in control of all this because of all the money "laundering" so to speak thrown all over the place at politicians and such operate on the public. they also set out to change flu shot technology in this scam for bigger profits (mRNA which is more junk science) and used this fakery of "need to wear masks to protect from a new virus" as a tool in their marketing.

Government goes along with it as it's all owned by and/or deceived by these scoundrels and the public has been taught the lie of viruses our entire lives and for generations now, is constantly being conned and told to "trust your doctor" but they just all go along with it as when they don't they rip away their license. Many of them know this scam but won't talk about it. When this all started in 2020 the ones that pointed out the errors and scammery were villified as again that is how they operate on the public.

Many of us knew this Kovid thing was a scam day one and would lead to push and demand for new medical rape products. These Hustlers In Virology used the same playbook in the 1980's aids fraud used to sell super expensive and well documented as VERY TOXIC drugs like AZT and the "hit hard hit early" cocktails of poisons that killed people I knew who were friends so since that time I have had a keen eye on Fauci and this whole industry and have done a ton of research on these issues.

i N T E R N E T  M A T T E R