as it turns out by 2024 the internet is the peeping Tom of nudist camps & warped speed sell-e-britizing so while 99.666% of the internet is useless information we enjoy like helpful porn we set sail to honor Christopher Columbus for discovering the .334% that really matters

Image of jack-o-lantern copyright Toby Ord. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic license.

Today's Date  The Desert Home  You caught a KOVID/ROFL  monkey business  more monkey business  Energy matters  James Roguski and who's WHOing us  This is saving the planet?  What is CORONA & WHO's the villan?  Props for PEACE  Man klaims he saw virus up close even talked to it and gave it a hug

This Halloween people are dressing up up as PEACE which scares politicians while virology dresses up as valid science & what's really scary is how public HELLth & it's mentally deranged virus hunting institutions keep acting like Halloween is every day as they still will not publicly admit viruses do not exist except when pressed in writing but the press will not report these facts as it would upset their sponsors who would pull out all their big pHARMa advertising as the facts destroy their whole hustle game of Halloweening people every day so they can claim their pHARMa poisons are treats when they are all TRICKS.

Whistle blower & accredited biostatistician Christine Massey from Canada compiled 224 responses as of August 2024 by official health agencies and institutions, not one of them provide proper science showing ISOLATION of any virus to prove they exist, thus without such evidence it is safe to effectively say virology is now a proven fraud

view her 2022 presentation calling out virology's lies here

we don't have to be horses asses anymore while pHARMa cysts hoard our cash and poison us with their septic science

Tom Cowan presents evidence that viruses are a scary tale

Is milk'n you an institution?  

Pam Popper updates new vax scenes and litigation and no travel you are in a prison she keeps pushing the virus exists nonsense she used to smoke 4 packs of cigarettes a day smoking is a health therapy

Pink ear guy talks the real what happened with Columbine as another flag waves to get eyballs glued to tell-lie-vision.

Dr. Jane Ruby latest on the poisoning by pHARMa gods.

Another fake test on the market amongst 666 others! Viruses never proven to exist. It's all a charade.

Zombieland USA monkey business tesing crowd lines up for miles for fake test that can't find any dangerous uincorn anywhere. Hate to be the bearer of bad news and spoil all the fun but we live in a world free of viruses hon. Are they standing 6.666 feet apart? Vitamin K analysis of the actual amount found in "vaccines" given to infants newborn of the aluminum content is rather laughable as you watch hysterical news reporters and others claim it's so much when it's nothing. What holo caust? There's one we heard about what about that other one? Theory of "shockwave" on Twin Towers falling sorta makes sense.

I'm not a bus, I identify as a trainny. Shooting stars not what you think and see. Ever notice pits in a windshield? Camera doctors protecting themselves from dangerous unicorns are trying to save camera lives.

PAN the ancient god of mischief and debauchery got a job with the govern MEANT as a panic orchestrator at the FDA in 2020 hindsight.

This November 2024 election ask yourself which party would NEVER make you get on your knees confused at what the fuck is going on and make you beg for your life back and tell you to get your job back you need to accept injections of chemical waste products? Democrat??  Republican??

KENNEDY would have never made anyone do that! He says CDC is a vaccine company.

This year the choice is simple. KENNEDY never jumped on the Kovid traveling side medi SIN show bandwagon in fact he was 1st choice of Trump at beginning 2020 to head the round circular invisible corona unicorn hunting task force and unfortunately Trump instead got infected with a.faucitis and it sickened govern MEANT commandeering which keeps getting Hustled In Virology (HIV) so the direction the whole world was headed to foreseeable disaster that filled up all those who keep playing this bullshit game of pumping drug stocks, their junk science products including the fake "tests" as they are erroneously named that can't find any thing specific at all, which they use to manipulate data sets, and the royalty payments that go to all these people involved including Fauci and Hotez who own patents on the drugs goverment keeps pushing an obvious conflict of interest payments.

Harm full viruses do not exist. We already live in a world FREE OF VIRUSES. Everything virus is a sham. Kennedy knows how this hustle is played and has always stood against it.

Vaccines actually do not exist as defined as there is no proven virus anywhere on the planet and the industry knows this. What they have magic potions and it's pretty bizarre to be injecting chemical brews to prevent what does not exist.

Dr. McCullough seen everywhere pushing his magic covid elixers had a coronacold. His miracle spike protein cure is supposed to fix that. Doesn't work. Save your $300. In this video short he says virus insecticides are being put in baby shampoo! Poisons in the shampoo to kill viruses never proven to exist! Is that still just considered hustle or something more serious.

Testing for genetic sequences but not for viruses is like that lying politician that is proven to exist that tells you they found dead batteries in a land fill which they claim that means there is a new Tesla there. That is of course marketing, hustle, and junk science the virologist would use to pretend to find cars using their bizarre form of science that then concludes for them that there is a car factory there. In the real world that is exactly what the pseudo science of virology land fill study tells the public, but few understand this as the Hustle Of Virology Exceptionally Rogue (HOVER) talks in a different language and their moderators point to pictures and have clever sales pitches and many tricks up their sleeves to make people think the rabbits they pull out of hats means there's a rabbit factory there.

There are no harmful viruses anywhere on the planette. If you have proof please contact Dr. Tom Cowan who has during this corona fraud called for evidence. His explanations exposing this fraud called virology and it's bizarre claims are stellar.

Inventor of the misinterpreted "covid tests" that uses Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) technology meant only as an amplifier not a diagnostic tool Kary Mullis said Fauci has no problem looking into the camera and lying to the public. That was 30+ years ago. If you watch Tony Fauci speak you can see right through his lies. Kary Mullis who received a Nobel Prize for his invention also said "follow the money trail" showing how the income directly correlated with the more tests given that created "cases" merely because of the tests that cannot diagnose if anyone has a virus.

Milk maids pox is udder Horseshit In Virology, listen to Dr. Lee Merritt explain. Monkey does not spread easily. CDC director of Horseshit In Virology administration says it's easy to spread. Postules happen more when toxins back up and have no where else to go. It's a house cleaning. No virus needed. No viruse proven to exist but some of Merrits explainations still blame a virus.

Kary Mullis interview "the whole thing's a sham" stated about HIV/AIDS hustle of the 1980's he invented the covid tests (PCR) decades ago and said way back when that using them to find viruses is not accurate science. The Hustlers In Virology in 2020 used them to perpetrate yet the even biggest fraud on the entire world by creating case counts of perfectly healthy people that tested fake positive so they could use reason to steal the public money using fake emergency status. The hustlers all know what they are doing.

Science is a field of study with many branches like a tree. Virology is a dead decaying rotting branch that is falling on everyone causing harm. We saw this exemplified in 2020 hindsight as the trumpeteers declared war on the invisible. The sick "2 weeks to slow the spread" of these dangerous unicorns never proven to exist threw this reality in our face as it zoomed past that 14 days into 2 years plus 666 days. Humanity must cut off all funding to all of these institutions in order to cut off these rotting ideas and false claims that there is a harmful particle 100 billion times smaller than dust floating in our air ready to pounce.

Covid was a con game well orchestrated to trick the public into accepting new flu shot technology making new drugs like vaccines at the touch of a computer printout that makes all involved very rich instead of giving the savings back to taxpayers who have wasted trillions of dollars feeding this fraud of a vaccine drug pushing regimery for 40 years during the a.faucidae strain of governing. Wonder why homelessness can never be solved? Look at the bulging portfolios of all these Hustlers In Virology (HIV). The entire medical system is so corrupt that mainly modern a med is a SIN. Watch some key lying thugs talk about planning the fake pandemic for that purpose and an idiot reporter from The New Yorker Michael Spector delusionaly say with a smile "Why don't we blow the system up" regarding forcing a change in flu shot technology to make humans roaming lab rats as the rotting branch of science of virus and drug pushing blatantly lied to the public about testing, cases, and their only solutions to fake problem they created by this hustle. In this clip that you can watch here top officials of the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) previously headed by Tony Fauci along with top official of Health and Human Services (HHS) and of BARDA Rick Bright saying they needed to create a panic to force a new flu shot technology onto the public that uses alleged genetic engineering thus turn people into genetically modified organisms for their health. Even the CEO of Bayer chimed in saying had they not created a panic 95% of the public would never have agreed to injections of alleged genetic engineering materials for their health. Think that idea of genetic engineering through a bit before you bite on their latest scam MPOX or any other as virology is a total lie that is the rotting science now TRANS forming all injections that would fake protect from what does not even exist. We now have proof as 224 and counting institutions admit in writing of no evidence using proper science that any virus exists any where in the world yet they system continues to spread it's lies as governing bodies are both involved in this hustle making millions off investments and some are just clueless.

Kary Mullis when interviewed mentioned how he discovered at the beginning of the HIV/AIDS fraud how he asked for their evidence and it wasn't there to be found and clearly stated "Tony Fauci doesn't know anything about anything....he thinks you can look at an electron microscope image and see a virus." TV hustle boxes do not present a.faucidae a diseased con game with this kind of clarity. They work for pHARMa. Their revenue source is advertizing of which at minimum 66.666% is drug ads. Then the fake new disease of kovid slammed everyone in the face. The public that likes such fashionable displays of drama was PrEP'd though one year earlier in March 2019.

 More monkey business! Who coulda seen it coming? Everyone that's not a bird flu brain. Dr. Sam Bailey clued us in 2 years ago and here we are again with hustles popping up like pimples do every time we eat too much junk food but she leaves out the pox effects of silicone tire shine sexual lubricants mixed with QUATS aka Nonoxynil-9 poisons that burn the skin and create POX! The obsession with killing viruses which are not living things nor dangerous nor exist is insane. Skin eruptions aka rash. Poisons erupting out. Skin is the body's largest eliminative organ.

So monkey's had a rash. Babies had a rash. Baby pox! Do people catch baby pox? Nobody catches anypox. If monkeys can spread their shit across oceans all the way to California and New York's gay sex addicts that dump so much toxins in there's so much garbage out of postules then so can babies if we are to follow the trail of crumby science the Hustle In Virology (HIV) con stantly presents. Notice the X they have been scaring us with in "disease X" is like Xmas where they eliminated fake Jesus to shorten the postules he had after the priest sucked his dick after slicing a huge tube of skin off so they just cut the word postules down to size circumsicing it to the tranny form of poX. Add more chemicals? Sounds sick and really stupid but that's modern a medi SIN. The science is not logical it is science fiction thus their term "novel virus" novels are fiction viruses are viction. It's like a sleasy used brake sales man telling you that worn brakes removed from a 1950's car sitting there in the elements for decades are safe and effective at stopping your 2015 model car at any speed.

It's monkey pox business 2.0 replay. Amazing Polly called out the comical games of those monkeying around when the monkeys at the CDC threw their shit all over us in 2022 to keep their virus scam going. It's also entertaining how they always blame sexual contact rather than saying what it really is, chemical contact. Nonoxynil-9 poison on condoms and mixed with silicone tire shine sexual lubricant, it's not the sexual contact, it's the chemical contact.

MPOX, XYZPOX, & alphabet pox! New names for skin eruptions, rash, pimples, and shit trying to get the hell out of you. Get tested for the fakery in this rotting branch of science. The images they show do not provide any evidence of claims. The red circled items in the photo here are not viruses. These are dead decaying bodies. Some are gas bubbles. This image does not represent what goes on in any living body. It's a prop for science fiction movies of virology and "health care" presented as real. It's like what they did with Blair Witch Project pretending to the audience at the first screening in Santa Monica that the documentary they were about to see was real, which freaked out the whole audience as it appeared as though even the authorities verified the claims of missing hikers who were mysteriously vanished as the video evidence showed some real creepy stuff happining to them as they were discovering the witchcraft in the deep dark woods of modern a medi SIN.

Great news! We live in a world free of harm full virus! We don't live in a world free of illusions. What world were we in when we thought they were real? Enter this brave real world to Get America Well Again.

The farmer knew he was heading directly towards learning the only thing that causes climate change is obvious. In case YOU or govern MEANT has not noticed, here's a clue, it's H2O not carbon and without climate change we'd all be dead already.

Special needs flicker power sends a warning to energy realists but the letter never makes it as it it relied on disabled energy called wind and solar which simply never has the power required. Even though it wears a Superpower cape and pretends to be strong & mighty claiming it can power 666 billion homes it simply does not have what it takes. Mean while everyone in the neighborhood eggs it on just like telling the child in the drama they they are a star but they are a child with no talent.

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