Climate activists discovered what job the PublicHellth departments had prior to entering the pHield of pseudo science


Climate change is not caused by carbon, it's caused by OCD.  Ocean Current Diversions are the only cause, not air filters in the sky. Could someone please hand this memo to the Delusion party so they can get their heads out of the clouds and do something about current change. All the money wasted giving these new wind and solar handicapped white colonist slave plantations special parking zones that create McMansions for the already rich should be going to give basic homes to those living on the streets as all this clean energy crap is garbage. OCD is also called El Nino and La Nina, very cold waters in the oceans dominate for a number of years, then shifts to warm waters dominating for years. Never exactly the same. Nothing can change this. Hello, is anyone going to take that call? It's been ringing for decades now, someone pick it up and listen in, "Oh hi mom, yea they don't care about anything but what their TV tells them, sorry, what else can I do? Bring up the equity issue? Parking lots for this disabled energy in the cities? Now why didn't I think of that before, yes I will get right on it, there's too many handicapped spaces allotted in the country for these systems the cities never provide handicapped parking for wind and solar there where it's needed most. Many of these climate retards suffer from OCD. They watch too much TV and propoganda from the climate cult leaders and get sucked in and can't escape. It's as bad as being sucked out to sea by a rip tide so here's a trick, as the climate cult pulls you in and away from the safe shore by the sea in the sea as you see someone selling sea shells that you can hear saying she's realized you are out to sea and can't do a damn thing to help but flail her arms which does nothing, you remember that you are best to stay afloat and go with the flow as it starts to go sideways parallel to the shore where a little ways away the Currently Direct Current (CDC) weakens it's pull on you and when you notice that weakness you then swim the hell with all your might to shore which effectively safely gets you there, but then you have to deal with California Department of PublicHellth trying to sting you after you avoided all the jelly fish and other sharks as that entity that admits that it has no evidence of viruses being isolated to prove they are real as they keep alleging that again tells you that you need to be tested for dangerous unicorns as you were in the sea where they claim now all the shit from the city is dumped which contains the boogy virus, lock you in your home for a year, and test you 666 billion times to make sure their portfolios are filled so they don't have to sell sea shells by the sea shore any more." 


i N T E R N E T M A T T E R . c o m

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copyrights reserved by Kenneth Wegorowski 1/2/2024 years after they hacked off part of Jesus dick that God gave him in His image and suddenly the people thought part of it was evil so they banned it from his body and then did some very odd rituals to celebrate this foreskin removal every New Years Day