Dr. Tom Cowan
hear his simple one minute explanation of how to end all this madness

Genome Sequence Claimed to Be SARS-2 is Actually Human and Bacterial in Origin view his presentation 2/18/2022 and in his July 13, 2022 he analysis claims of genomic sequencing that is as brilliant as Einstein's theory of relativity and speaking of relativity the "covid shots" only provide absolute (not relative) risk reduction of .8% or less meaning they provide ZERO

Explains the problem with alleged "rabies virus" 2/8/2022 in this presentation near the end Stefan Lanka mentions you should watch this movie by Anne Sono "I won't Go quietly"

Author of the book "The Contagion Myth" Tom presents what is the only sensical theory about viruses, that they are merely a breakdown of tissues they are not a threat and as I describe, you are not a virus breathing monster. There are no tests for viruses there are only tests for broken down cell materials NOT specifically finding anything any more than dust. He is an author of books on health and virology and offers a great easy to read breakdown of the covid fraud it's a great starting point in understanding why viruses do not exist and we have been had for 70 years. It can help end the covid delusion.  watch his recent presentation   download his booklet   watch his recent video explaining why they told scientists to build a test to find unicorns now used to "find" a corona virus that does not exist has never been proven to exist. He also in his presentation mentions Stephen Lanka who offered $100k reward to prove measles virus exists, German court decided there was no evidence any measles virus exists, no one was able to claim the $100k reward anywhere in the world because it does not exist. View this video 

Tom Cowan has been podcasting weekly on Bitchute about one year after Kovid made his first debut on Project Runway March 2019 where he wore a fashionable air filter that oddly like a car would seemingly work like an air filter for an engine but we are not machines and our exhaust pipe is also the intake so what ever collects on fashionable air filters put on faces gets thrown back out. Like duh. Obviously the CVD experiment proved most humans are easily brainwashed when not given the fundamental data they need about how the world actually works and can be repeatedly proven to work.

View some of his presentations from 2,022 years after the birth of another unicorn   July 13   July 20



Many Medi-cull Doctors (McD) have no clue the most basic foundation of their wacky belief cult system of "virology" for which they prescribe toxins to "make you well" and prevent dangerous unicorns. Fortunately we have the Doctor of Balance here with us that looks in depth at the illusions and sorts them out from reality .



Christine Massey also jumped into this new world of REALITY.


"Scientists generally PROVE TO THEMSELVES their assertions" it's really laughable.

Possible Side Effects Un Desired Or Side Complications In Effects Not Controlling Ends (PSEUDOSCIENCE) to means to be aware of during your journey:

For those of you new to all this imaginary virus nonsense presented by holier than thou Doctor Ate Land Amusement Horse Rides In Hellth Kare (DALAHRIH) the science shows that right beside viruses we learn Jesus was also a unicorn though not a dangerous unicorn like Corona Virus Disease (CVD) that used to be called cold & flu before evil corporate empires invaded using Trojan Condom Horses (TCH) to fuck us over taking our minds with their brainwashing serums. Jesus was a construct of the Roman Empire to settle people down who were trying to demolish that empire, not enjoying being slaves, it's worked for over 2,000 years, the Roman empire just mutated into a variant, never fell and it's the same for Jesus as for him to exist you have to believe same as viruses and the Easter Bunny & Sickness Acquired Diseases like believing in Santa Clause. 

Contagion was proven IMAGINARY long ago. One example and there are many is on sailing ships. They had a crate of limes on board and scurvey went away. It wasn't "the virus" or some other unseen force, it was lack of nutrient that had caused scurvy, lack of Vitamin C. This is why the sailors got the nick name "limey". Lack of B Vitamins has also had disease causing results, this is why US GOVERNMENT mandated adding B Vitamins to pasta and white bread where the processing would strip it of the necessary daily nutrient.

  L E A R N  B E T T E R  @  i N T E R N E T M A T T E R  

"Prior to the roaring 2020's and for a few years there after we watched humans run scared of spike balls that were only found in their imaginations."

"Maybe 2020 hindsight will guide them better now."


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