Vitamin K & the analysis of the actual amount of "dangerous toxic aluminum" found in these "vaccines" given to infants newborn is rather laughable as you watch hysterical news reporters and others claim it's so much when it's nothing

DUM/FUK reporter on Alex Jones drama queen drag show tells us that on day one of birth our children are getting 1 pound of aluminum injected into their tiny 8 pound bodies. Did anyone catch that error? Listen to the report. 99.666% of the audience did not. She babbles on and on quoting the effects of aluminum, how the body works, more fear of aluminum and says "it goes straight to vital organs". So does everything in blood hon. Then after all that drag "so it's not surprising that the US leads the world in infant mortality rates". Did she and her clan of science fictionist staff present the infant mortality rates of jungle dwellers or those born in toxic chemical swamps from lithium mining? No that would put her too close to the devil in the details sipping tea with satain.

The fearcast is blaming deaths on aluminum in the amount of one pound injected like a pound of beef or rolled oats. Even a 1st grader can see she's so full of shit. Ohhhhh I should feel so sorry for her and forgive her mistake so I can go to heaven as that's what fake jesus loons say in their bible. ROFL. The amount of aluminum in vaccines is nothing. Brags "what I learned in doing my research...." that she did while searching the internet's 666,666,666 trillion pages on aluminum in babies while sitting on the toilet during a break. She babbles on about  the US having the sickest children in the country. Ever been around children. They never stop talking and never stop running in circles and playing, well until they finally exhaust themselves, then do it again and again all their child hoods, kinda like this woman talking about the "problems of vaccines" in circles.

100 micrograms is 1/10,000th of a gram consider a gram one dollar that is 1/10,00th of a dollar which is 1/10th of a penny. Gas stations sell gas based on this, in California it's 5.00 dollars per gallon but actually it's billed at $4.999 they round up that 1/10th of a cent. Does anyone stop driving or go broke or is their budget ruined by that 1/10th of a penny? Does a human stop functioning from that 1/10,000th of a dollar error or that .000000000000001th of a gram of poison aluminum?

Here's more analysis: 1 mg/0.5 ml neonatal concentraion "vitamin k"
contains no more than 100 mcg/L of aluminum
main ingredient is polysorbate 80 which is banned in many countries as injection
combine that with hep b shot which is 250 micrograms
on day one our children are getting 350 grams is what she claimed

No you stupid mouth piece for the busine$$ of fear, where during the long commercial breaks on Alex Jones network vitamins are sold at exhorbitant profit, that is a total of .00035th of a gram not 350 grams. She stated it was 350 grams. What a massive blunder. Anyone that was knowlegeable on this subject and analysis and science and not just reading scripts and fast talking for attention in order to sell you stuff would catch themselves immediately and almost never have to.

a microgram is 1 millionth of a gram that is smaller than microscopic dust found on a feather
for perspective let's say that 1 millionth of a gram is 1 dollar
there's 456 grams in one pound of rolled oats we can eat for breakfast and be healthy with protein fiber and vitamins a-z
so 100 micrograms is one hundred dollars
350 micrograms is three hundred fifty dollars
one pound is then $456,000,000
imagine the baby is a piggy bank it weighs 8 pound at birth that would make the baby worth $3,648,000,000
if the baby is given a dose of 3 pennies does that change anything?

So this stupid ignorant duck bill quacking reporter claimed on day one our kids are getting 350 grams of aluminum injected into them "if not more". OK hon lets round that up to 456 grams, one pound. These are the stupid fucks on TV that constantly sit there and babble their nonsense and could care less about reality. This included Del Bigtree (sorry hon you do good work) that hystericalizes the amount of illuminum in vack scenes but he's got the anti-freeze part right.

This exemplified the problem with learning from stupid quackers on TV in particular noting this came from Alex Jones channel of hysterial reporting of mostly drama and nonsense.

OMG reviewing my data for the 666th time I discovered a staff oversight, the amount of fluid injected is .5 milliliter that is 1/2 of 1/1,000th of a liter. I believe that would be 1/8th of a teaspoon roughly gauging quantity (recheck this assumption) so on the vial it states 100mcg/L of aluminum at most. There is not even one liter of liquid here in this vial, there is 1/2 of a 1,000th of a liter. There is "no more than 100 micrograms (100 millionth of a gram) x .0005th = no more than 1/50,000th of a gram of aluminum in this vial of liquid vitamin k. Vitality minute. Vita min. This amount is in dust in the air we breathe. We breathe in air about 10 times per minute. A baby gets a shot of this nothing amount of aluminum once in this shot of vitamin k. There are 525,960 minutes in the year. So in one year we breathe in 1.525960 million times the dose a baby gets of aluminum in one vial of vitamin k. No one reports on the harm that breathing clean air does to humans every day of their life. Probably would live 10,000 years instead of at most 100 if we didn't breathe in all this aluminum.

This analysis is open  to further review for accuracy by those who understand mathematical calculations done properly without drag shows called "reporting the news" though it's determined to be relatively close as of August 29 as per copyright declaration stated below. hepling the world delete the misunited states of fear moneygering

Copyright 2,024 years after jesus protective portion of his dick was partially hacked off for sadistic pleasure of sick religious cults that TRANS form the male's phallus from being a copy of God's dick as he was made in his image and TRANS forms the man's entire sexual experience of life making it more like an old black and white silent film with scratchy piano music playing that reminds him daily of what is missing as his clothes rub and rub and rub on that tip of his dick and no one in congress cares to do anything about it this irritation in misgoverning check the calendar celebration of this every New Years Day!