The good doctorate Tom Cowan has provided the world's best explanation that is easy to understand on why we already live in a world free of viruses though we continue to live in a world of illusions.
click on the image above to watch Tom's presentation
Dr. Tom Cowan presents THE NEW BIOLOGY and why "viruses" are made up scary tales. I call them dangerous unicorns after hearing Tom state many times they are unicorns. No matter what variant of unicorn is out there they are still unicorns.
He states on his site "Everything in my external life seemed to be routine and normal for an American growing up in the ‘70s and ‘80s — except that no matter where I turned, science and educational systems just didn’t seem to make sense to me. I set out to find both answers and questions that did make sense, that fit the observations I was experiencing right before my eyes. This seeking became a lifelong quest. I just kept following my ideas, and eventually I learned to follow my heart."
He is one of the best sources for clarity on this subject of viruses and how they are imaginary constructs of corrupted science that can start off good intentions. Others include Dr. Stefan Lanka who proved in German Supreme court that viruses do not exist, Drs. Sam & Mark Bailey, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, and Dr. Peter Deusberg who called out the variant unicorn I renamed the Hi virus during the 1980's.
The world needs to grasp this truth and build new foundations for what the real and provable causes of ill health are and throw out these old crumbling ones that are based on beliefs.
Dr. Cowan's newest book in 2025 is on Common Sense Parenting view on youtube
SHOW NOTES for Wednesday September 14th 2022
Fundamental structure of "virology" never proved any such assertions of any virus as they call it actually existing.
You can not prove a virus exists by electron microscope pictures.
Pictures of SARS-CoV-2 are breakdown of the cells not of virus.
Fleming claims electron microscope photos prove virus, he needs to prove his assertions.
Fleming fails to provide his evidence to Dr. Cowan.
Virology is based on bits of nonsense. Fleming could admit he is wrong. Absent of that there is no proof of what he (and others) asserted.
There is no vial of HI virus, no vial of pure measles virus, any virus, they don't exist.
Fleming is one of the "freedom" voices and it's scary he cannot provide proof while he (and others) misleads the public.
Children's Health Defense picks up article by Mercola, "Fauci's team.....deadly version of Spanish Flu Virus......just like they made a deadly SARS-CoV-2 virus"
All of such presented is nonsense, to prove it's a lab engineered virus, Cowan analyzes the claims precisely and in depth.
Challenge to Saks, Renz, Martin, Kennedy, Mercola (I would add McCullough and Malone) all who keep going around making claims there's a "lab engineered virus making people sick".
I would highlight McCullough's claim of "spike protein" is also a fantasy.
Met David Gershon in San Francisco. Gershon embraced "covid" following the injection protocol. Gershon died in his sleep that year. Gershon thought there was a HI virus and spent his career assisting others with obtaining the killer AIDS drugs. Tom tried to clue Gershon in that HI viruses do not exist. Gershon blew him off.
Genetic material of HI virus claimed part of this new "engineered" virus.
If you are claiming this new SC2 is made from HIV and any other virus obviously the first thing you have to prove is the existence of HIV and the previous corona virus.
This has never been done on this planet anywhere.
Tom uses an analogy of proving a horse, mare, donkey exist and claims made of what they can and cannot do and how to determine such.
Tom spoke with David 20 years ago, a doctor in San Francisco, saying "David there is no HIV".
Now let's look even deeper down the dangerous unicorn pit, virology is like the 1970's game of PONG.
Click on the "in silico" ping pong ball that appears real but is only a CRUDE REPRESENTATION
of the physically proven game of ping pong
to learn more about "the science" of virology which makes things appear real when they are not.
We already live in a world without viruses.
We live in a world that believes in multiple variants of imaginary things.
We imagined a bridge across a river and we build it. It's a real physical object proven what it does.
We have imagined particles called "viruses" for hundreds of years but they have never been proven real.
Things they see in high power electron microscopes are a mirage. Hans Gelderblom pointed this out for decades. The scientists see what they want to see.
There is no way absolutely know that anything seen in any magnifying device is a "vurus" and scientists make up stories to fill in the blanks and thus get funding the opportunists scare the public and sell incredibly high markup drugs that do nothing to rid the body of unicorns.
more is stated in the podcast please watch in full
Many of Tom's presentations made since 2020 can be found here
Dr. Tom Cowan also offers his books, products in holistic methods of health at his website
In January 2025 he published his newest book "Common Sense Child Rearing"
other books he's written including "The Contagion Myth"
we have been misled for over 100 years and even centuries in the myth of contagion
now let's look at our world of coronas what is corona?