this next image appears in Dr. Mark Bailey's "The End Of Virology" paper on page 64
it is the latest computer they use to fool us, there is no virus in this computer
that they are measuring any more than there is one in your computer We could think of this machine as a mRNA operating system, not Windows or Apple or Linux. It's programmed the way they want it to spit out data and it guarantees an endless supply of new pretend variants as modeled by this machine. There is no virus in there it's basically just a calculator based on an mRNA operating system that does not work if you program it with logic and ABSOLUTE proven science. It's all illusions and CGI, it makes an impression when they have something they can point to and then the audience goes "ooooooo" and "ahhhhhh" and then they shove things down your throat and rob you. Need any proof of that, look at your bills they send you and your insurance company and state and federal governing and hellth systems that oddly keep throwing out that memo from Dr. Stefan Lanka who proved in German Court virsues are non existent threats. When you listen to "experts" like Peter McCullough and Malone notice when they say "in silico" that means it's a computer model, not real, never proven to exist any more than a sleasy used car salesman tells you the car runs like a dream. McCullough did this in fancy dancy important government committee on "covid" here in this video. He's a fast talker like some of those salesmen in the junkyard of cars. Everything in virology is a hustle. Whenever anyone says "the virus caused" regarding any strain they make up in their pitches, ask for absolute proof. Don't wait for more than a minute as it does not exist. Virus hunting is a religious cult and a multi level medical marketing sham. IN SILICO IN SCIENCE It's like believing the ping pong ball on the TV screen is real. Click on the image of the real yet fake BALL in the old 70's IN SILICO game of pong to view the presentation.
I Testing for what is only a simulation is absurd, none of the tests find any specific anything. In the film Dr. McCullough spoke in the committee hearing "in silico" read about "in silico" here so even he is aware of this yet he remains lost in this wonderland of endless research with mountains of funding using your money like most. "In silico" is a computer construct, it's like a video game none of it is real, no one gets hurt, there are no alien cell space invaders of anything of substance, it's all just a game to entertain and keep you busy except it's also got your debit card.
Top questions regarding
medical rape that everyone should be asking and not putting up with These are not conspiracy theories most of this is absolute proven science and some of it is scheme theory. Everyone is ignoring the elephant in the China shoppe There's a lot of banter back and forth and not one of these people in the public eye are pointing out the biggest cause of health problems, CHEMICALS. They are gassing us everywhere. Dangerous fumigation of stores, restaurants, businesses everywhere dumping massive quantities of these disinfectants into the lungs. People working in these fumigated spaces for the whole day. Then CDC, doctors, or the public either blames the virus or the vaccines when they get sick with either breathing issues or heart problems. We had this same problem with DDT when it was told to be a CHEMICAL that was safe and they visibly fumigated clouds of this chemical on our kids in swimming pools and school lunch rooms and when they got sick it was always a "virus" not the chemical. We are being poisoned to death slowly. Watch the
presentation by Dr. James Lyons-Weiler
Is the world merely being attacked by dangerous unicorns?
Viruses are imaginary creatures made in a lab on a computer
Dr. Andrew Kaufman explains how viruses are merely a computer model watch
They have never been PHYSICALLY proven to exist like you can prove your car exists or your home exists. They are "real" like ghosts you saw on TV or ghosts you see at The Magic Castle or in video game screen but not real in reality. They are as real as the ping pong ball in the 1970's electronic game "Pong". Presenting viruses as threats to health is like presenting to real people playing PONG on a tennis court sitting there with their device in hand to "be careful as the ball could be hit too hard and get lost and thus end the game". Virology is fake.
The closest thing to reality is explaining the disingenuous term
"viruses" as cell
debris or just random particles of matter, just as the world's finest in electron microscopy stated
Hans Gelderblom pointed
out in extended interview "House of Numbers" documentary 2012
when asked questions in regards to the equally fictitious HI virus.
In 2018 Dr. Stefan Lanka in Germany proved IN COURT that
the alleged measles virus does not exist (see below
click on the star here).
His court case nullifies the foundations of all vaccine mandates as they have no basis in law without proof of their existence and this applies to all claims of virus causation of disease, it's all been based on lies and assertions, not evidence. There are many who can also explain. What viruses are NOT is killers. We are not virus breathing monsters either. On this page you will find the best and brightest and most balanced people who can explain the truth about the Hustle In Virology (HIV) that has been going on for 100 years. Learn and share so that we can restore sanity and normalcy to our world. Believing in viruses is like a religion that believes in God and The Devil where the scientist and it's poisons are God and The Devil is anyone that questions and refutes the sermon. Believing in viruses is like hearing the story told about "War of the Worlds" and running away in fear, they are both representations of novels, fiction, story telling. No virus has ever been proven to exist as commonly described.
When they "physically" attempt to prove existence of any alleged virus they use a method called culturing. This is a biological soup blended and mixed with bizarre ingredients such as cow puss extracted from ground up baby cow fetuses, that kills cells, deforms particulates in the soup mix, and they claim they look at what's there and "find" a new variant as such. This is theater. There is no proof provided of any particular virus it's a big mess. This method is like you being in the kitchen and claiming there are real strawberries in a smoothie when there is only strawberry flavoring and red dye from beets. Virology is JUNK/SCIENCE used purely to sell drugs and funding for research.
What do some of the best and brightest say about this rebranded cold and flu mania?
He speaks with the Corona Investigative Committee here February 2022 regarding REFUTING long standing THEORIES on viruses highlighting the point that he does not have a theory that the longstanding theory on virus causation is invalid, he is completely REFUTING the alleged cause theory.
Kaufman presents forensic analysis of fundamental structures of virology exposes the lies that have been presented by others. He brilliantly shows how viruses are exosomes not infectious critters, instead presenting with such unwavering logic how science already proved that what is called a virus is merely an element of what the body creates to remove toxins. We have been misled by those who have a vested interested in creating fear unnecessarily. He explains that viruses are a computer model. They simply do not exist anywhere else other than on a computer screen or in memory or hard drive as they are not proven to exist in the physical world by proper measure using only smoke and mirrors to get you to believe they exist (to sell you stuff you don't need).
speaks with Gemma O'Doherty
his official website and
other videos
view his many presentations here
Tom Cowan dedicated
page here
hear his simple
one minute explanation of how to end all this madness
Genome Sequence Claimed to Be SARS-2 is Actually Human and Bacterial in Origin view his presentation 2/18/2022 and in his July 13, 2022 he analysis claims of genomic sequencing that is as brilliant as Einstein's theory of relativity and speaking of relativity the "covid shots" only provide absolute (not relative) risk reduction of .8% or less meaning they provide ZERO
Explains the problem with alleged "rabies virus" 2/8/2022 in this presentation near the end Stefan Lanka mentions you should watch this movie by Anne Sono "I won't Go quietly"
Author of the book "The Contagion Myth" Tom presents what is the only sensical theory about viruses, that they are merely a breakdown of tissues they are not a threat and as I describe, you are not a virus breathing monster. There are no tests for viruses there are only tests for broken down cell materials. He is an author of books on health and virology and offers a great easy to read breakdown of the covid fraud it's a great starting point in understanding why viruses do not exist and we have been had for 70 years. It can help end the covid delusion. watch his recent presentation download his booklet watch his recent video explaining why they told scientists to build a test to find unicorns now used to "find" a corona virus that does not exist has never been proven to exist. He also in his presentation mentions Stephen Lanka who offered $100k reward to prove measles virus exists, German court decided there was no evidence any measles virus exists, no one was able to claim the $100k reward anywhere in the world because it does not exist. View this video
Dr. Sam Bailey
Dr. Sam Bailey is a medically trained doctor
who makes health videos on questions from her viewers. She researches
and covers common medical conditions, but will also tackle controversial
health issues.
She is a co-author of the book "Virus Mania."
She also calls out the lie that asserts without evidence of any virus proven to exist in any physical form what so ever and has many presentations that are very easy to hear, understand, and enjoyable. In this video she speaks about how research is PLAGUED with secrecy, vagueness, deceit thus creating outcomes that are unreliable and should never be built upon as they use fear to push their cult tactics on people for profits and powers. The medical system is a dangerous cult.
read her official website about page and link to her materials here
Dr. Stefan Lanka
watch him here
In 2018 he proved in German court the measles virus does not exist. If indeed it does not exist what is the basis for California and many other places mandating the measles vaccine? There is NONE, well, except or that pesky little annoyance called greed and quest to fill portfolio$ with your money. The court case proved there is no basis in law to mandate the vaccine. This applies to every other vaccine as they are all based on illusions and assertions, not absolute fact AND EXPLAINS the push at warp speed to introduce new technology using mRNA as all vaccines are based on the imaginary belief in viruses. No virus has ever been isolated to prove existence, all they ever see in a microscope is biological sludge. They use computers to model, make things up as they go. It's the biggest hustle on the planet. Virology always presents as solution to inject people with chemical concoctions is financial based smoke, mirrors, elaborate dog and pony shows based on LIE$. Dr. Stefan Lanka is in the small group of the finest scientist of all scientists in the entire world, a great human being. His works should be fundamental to all study in virological thought leading us on better pathways to health and the human condition. Measles was on the decline in the 1960's not due to vaccines it was due to environmental changes that can include changes in toxin exposures. The entire virus blame game has been proven to be wrong.
Measles virus proven to not exist in court case 2018 by Dr. Stefan Lanka in German Supreme Court PROVEN the measles virus does not exist, DOES NOT EXIST thus NO LAW CAN STAND that mandates this vaccine and all others as the entire virus causation construct is a fraud.
one of his presentations is found here
STOP testing! Testing is a fraud, the very inventor of the PCR test stated Fauci is a fraud and the test is being misinterpreted and cannot provide anything of value for diagnosis of any disease, it is not meant for that. If you want your life back you dont' need an experimental penetration as sold to you by a habitual lying TONY/F and his NIH and CDC that contradict constantly and basically work for the drug pusher$
Canada legal group called the Justice Center for Constitutional Freedoms points out how the CDC is manipulating the public and has been for decades, saying:
CDC just updated the definitions of immunity and vaccine on September 1, 2021 - swapping out the prior 'produce immunity' to 'provide protection' full letter can be viewed here
The CORRUPT/CDC change of definition could be compared to a manufacturer of a fire fighting hose telling you that his fire hose that uses water will not put out a fire anymore, it will only attempt to, it offers protection and the corrupt Los Angeles city council telling everyone in Los Angeles that they all need to have a fire hose and fire department employee in their home "to be protected". In reality of course there are many other factors and no fire house puts out any fire, only water does, so it's a legal definition change and important to understand this concept, it is basically an admission by CDC that vaccines NEVER PROVIDED IMMUNITY, the body is the only way to immunity, thought that word 'immunity' is a misleading construct as the body is in constant process, there really is no such thing as being immune. CDC used the term "immunization" for decades improperly to mislead and sales pitch. Vaccines are only a tool made of chemicals, synthetic formulas like nylon, not as good as natural blends, and there are too many other factors (which are often ignored). This should lead us to seriously question everything ever told to the public about viruses. For the last 100 years we have been told they provide immunity, it was obviously a lie. Many have long ago and more recently concluded that VIRUSES do not even exist, rather they are part of the body's cleansing processes, mislabled by those focused on the virus hunting sport and it's massive profits, they have been interpreted as being cellular debris by the world's finest electron microscope scientists such as Hans Gelderblom who stated that what they claimed was HIV was cell dirt, not monsters (better labeled fraud). In quest for study and sharing these truths I bring you some of these bright stars on the internet for your consideration of study in this brave new world THAT MAKES SENSE, bright stars online we can actually see, not like those that astronauts that "went to the moon" claim they could not see stars when they were supposedly in an environment that had no atmosphere thus all stars should have been clearly visible. I hope my writings and references make it clear to you how we have been lied to about so many things and how to spot these lies and adjust accordingly.
David Crowe "The Infectious Myth"
If you still think viruses exist you
need to start here.' David was a hero, a few months before he passed in
July 2020 he and Virstyne Henry spoke about the corona fraud though
YouTube has since deleted that as it does not match CDC Horseshit In
Virology protocols. He also interviewed early on in the CoViD fraud with
Tom Cowan as noted above who has some of the finest explanations of this
fiasco in pandemicology,
discussion with Cowan is archived here.
He also tackled the
Ebola fraud
and the cold,
flu, pneumonia virus
renamed in 2020
as SARS/CORONA scare mongering viruses in the new novel authored by
America's finger down your throat mister Fauci who is
constantly lying. David also was head of
the Alberta Reappraising AIDS association which exposed the many lies
that Fauci and friends has for decades injected into so many people. David also has presented
facts on HIV which like SARS-CoV-2 was
isolated to prove it was real. This is the same problem with the
"novel" fiction coronavirus claimed to be a specific thing, no
isolation. For some this may be hard or impossible
to believe but these realities have been presented to the public for
decades. He also wrote on why he believes
5G is not the
cause of any disease condition and he
called out the covid fraud
right at the start!
David's website was but since his passing it is no longer up.
It is ARCHIVED here though and some of his work is also translated in Spanish language.
Peggy Hall "The Healthy American"
She has been speaking on the ways to protect yourself from the lies.
Has many presentations on how to beat the absurd dictates that are not
based on law but rather on bad science. She spoke recently with the
Human Resources department of Kaiser and pointed out how people can work
the religious exemption properly for those employed there. Peggy filed
lawsuit on the Board of Supervisors of Orange County California for their
"not following the law" when it came to repeated declarations of fake
emergency when it's clear there was none, and not even notifying the
public, emergencies that have been
declared ongoing taking people's freedom and rights from them or
threatens that based on lies that an invisible monster might be lurking
the air when not even the California
Department of PublicHELLth can show any absolute proof any virus exists. She is a
bright light, logical, efficient in her explanations of the "covid"
debaucle and how to protect yourself from the madness.
update June 14, 2024 she went to war with Del Bigtree on his "vaccine confidence bill" and lost the war in an instant, will she keep fighting LOL probably watch his show dated June 13, 2024 "The Act Of War" and her lame rebuttal where she just did not get it amazingly here she says she excells in critical thinking skills and stands by her analysis but really missed the boat on this one as she appears to be waiting for a plane and missed the boat on DEW and on fires in Maui when she invited an arborist who was making things up like a little kid. Her followers left comments. I found only 3 pointing out how Del was and is on target in this particular war. Most were trashing Del like she did. He explains his strategy clearly in episode 374 and Peggy did not understand or she's just playing games or too stuck in ego and that sand trap we can fall in of not admitting mistakes especially such bad ones. I had to re-evaluate my rating above dropping it to C+ from A++++. We all learn as we go. Keep learning Peggy. Del Bigtree won his lawsuits. You have given up. You won't even appeal your loss. Why. You have a good case. Instead you battle within the troops. Del's work with Aron Siri even had Mississippi vaccine mandates all overturned recently. Instead of fighting with a proven warrior who wins maybe instead get on your knees and beg for forgiveness which his response will probably like Jesus saying you are forgiven here let's all work on this together. I am going to guess you will not. Take the log out before looking for specks.
The Highwire with Del Bigtree
Health matters
discussed more recently on the
CoViD fraud Del produced the TV series "The Doctors" now stars
in his
own show without the restrictions of being governed by the Medical
Dictatorships (MD)
that have their be$t intere$t$ in mind. Lately he's been focused too
much on the conspiracy that's been buzzing that 'it escaped from the
lab', I think what escaped from the lab was story telling, nothing more
THE/VIRUS is a novel, a work of fiction. Del seems to be stuck on the
virus mutation theory claiming new threat, much like the drama we saw in
most modern medias so this is disappointing. He also was sick with
something this year 2021 around May and flew off to Mexico for some
treatment. Nice to have all that money to do that from donations and be
well enough to get on a private jet.
That highlights there is a serious problem with American "health" care
and treatment of which the foundational base of this problem is legal
wranglings. Del has some
fantastic guests, insight, analysis, and he too is one who actually will
make his voice heard at official FDA hearings and such with public
comment so he is one of those who is getting a lot done.
I give him a rating of B+ but such simple
ratings are flawed as his THE ART OF WAR episode 374 was a big big
winner! He's very talented and has that element of shrewd that is
necessary in winning wars and he's proven himself and his crew to be
winning and putting the Hustlers In Virology (HIV) back in their cages.
to 2020 when he was starting out on his own away from pHARMa
sponsored ventures Del did a brilliant and short video calling out
the well known media personality Bill Nye The Science Guy's stance
on vaccines. Click on Bill's clown nose to see him being made a fool
of by the facts.
"The science is settled" the clown
says and explains how vaccines work. ROFL. Don't miss the
anti-freeze in vaccines! Propylene glycol. Bill says anti-freeze in
you is safe!
Kevin P. Corbett
is a registered nurse with doctorate degree where in the
1980's HI virus panic like today's he was one of the few who was there
helping the first AIDS patients up close, touching them, not afraid of
catching it, and has observed similar problems with the latest
crisis in viral misunderstandings on health and disease. We do not catch
diseases flying in the air.
view his precise
take down of the virus fraud
there is no isolate of
virus just a computer model as basis for PCR test whereas the inventor of said
test Kary Mullis stated decades ago it cannot find a specific virus
view his art, credentials,
coronahysteria page, and artwork
health officials
knew there would be a lot of adverse reactions to any injection protocol
look at the warning
here Kevin speaks at a rally in Glasgow England 9/18/2021
Sean Ward, Sonia Poulton, Mark Bailey 4/7/2023 discussing realization by the public that there never was any virus there was only more medical pharmaceutical con game$$$ "If viruses existed, based on the claims, we'd all be dead"
Recent video he comments on Ben Shapiro's claim that he realizes now that government lied about vaccines acting as if it's a surprise.Here he goes off on vack scene salesman Trump. He is routinely calling out lies everywhere tackling the corona fake crisis totalitarianism environment he's high energy and quite the talker and one of the rare folk who actually go to public meetings and make their opinions known where it counts. His free speaking to the public officials helped stop the insane restrictions. He pointed out recently that the Ununited States press secretary Jen who keeps going in circles keeps lying about THE/VAX. Jen as press secretary publicly claims it's 'approved by FDA' like all of the lying politicians and presidents and formers that keep pushing it on the public. IT IS NOT APPROVED BY FDA AND NOT LICENSED - it is an experiment using humans as lab rats and using unproven alleged genetic manipulation that could be dangerous, and in being a test trial contains placebos, and drug amounts in varying doses, we might note that those businesses or employers who would ban the 'unvaccinated' from venues or employ are allowing many in who are "vaccinated" who merely have placebos. The COVID/SCAM IS being used in a fake emergency declared by fake liars everywhere who fake injections on themselves for real profits.
Buy his hat! Watch his podcasts on BitChute
Dr. Bryan Ardis
interview exposing Fauci's lies and "murderous" treatments
update on Ardis 4/19/2022 he's pushing some bizarre "snake venom in the water" theory which is doing just what Fauci and all the fraudsters and cultists do, take small pieces of truth and mix it all up into a new brew for you to swallow, hyping it all up for attention. He may be doing what all marketeers do though in bringing attention to a matter, such as that pFauci is a snake and that vaccines are venomous. In an interview some time later with Cowan & Kaufman they pointed out their concern with his theory on that and commended him highly on his quick discovery on the medical poisoning regime implemented in hospitals using Fauci's other killer poison drug called Remdesivir. The other killer poison drug of Fauci's was AZT fed my gay friends that of course killed them. Many doctors and scientists pointed out that horror in the 1990's. Ardis should receive an Beyond Just Nobel Prize of some sort on some of his valid points made. In March 2023 he pointed out 11 million gays died in the AZT venom poisoning HOLOCAUST of the 1990's. I think that's about 10x the real number. He's always hustling his expensive nutrition products. Lost my interest after seeing that hustle element as I just had to conclude that it wasn't worth my time.
The Dr. Ardis Show may be of interest. Caveat emptor. Part of the "freedom community" that's all hustling something and making big money doing it. Not sure I want to keep a reference here but for now you decide if it's helpful or not.
Ron Paul Institute for Peace &
Ron Paul's son is Rand Paul who is Kentucky senator who calls out
Fraudci regularly though he needs to go a step further and bash the
vaccine industry entirely, Ron's weekdaily podcast is based on a
perspective of liberty and human rights are the basis for everything and
when politicians rape those liberties as was done with the virus hunting
insanity more harm is caused. Rand Paul is now calling for criminal
investigation on Fauci.
Problem with Ron though is he's a fundamentalist Christian and with the
issue of trans-gender being in full view of everyone he along with
others like David Knight and Matt Walsh do not put the same fervor they
do against trans-gender mutilation on the matter of cirumcision. It is a
hard thing for men to face that torture that was done to them at birth
so they focus on the things that they are more comfortable with.
David Knight
The David Knight Show
live M-F 9am eastern
He gets 5 stars for integrity in numerous core issues on liberty and a negative 10 stars on matters revolving around sexual expression as he is always whining about freedoms being removed yet trashes the go homo community and the freedom of expressing aborting fetuses disingenuously calling them babies. He has covered daily in depth the congame-19 medical marketing fraud and shut down scam and who the players are. In one episode he mentions "Australia - the government threatened people with massive fines for the FRAUDULENT CLAIMS THAT MASKS WORKED, citing research from 2003 that even N95 masks are USELESS AFTER 20 MINUTES" as they are so moist they stop working for particles that they can actually filter, yet viruses are smaller than the holes anyway, they don't work with viruses AT ALL, viruses are infinitessimally small and don't exist in the air, if you believe they do demand they test the air, they are not there, yet here we are today with all sorts of claims that people and kids should wear what does not work and jump through testing hoop$ that are about one thing only, making certain people rich. The Austrailian government threatened because there were people selling masks telling that it would protect from SARS. Wakey wakey. Some are identifying as transmasks to get around these current restrictions in understanding the truth. What I like most about David Knight is he tends to teach people how to think rather than to just tell people what to think but he does believe viruses exist. On his shot August 19 2022 he mentioned the false wide believe that mosquitoes spread disease. Since virology has been totally refuted and even in court this old wives tale about viruses in mosquitoes take needs to buried. Not one mosquito has ever been proven to actually have a virus without throwing raw sewage in the mix thus skewing ALL data presented. No purified virus exists.
Jon Rappoport
Since the HI Virus "crisis of lies" that started with Fauci's
declarations of absurdity on cause of AIDS in the 1980's he has
been studying and reporting on virus hunting and has a laser precise
focus on the frauds. He has warned us since the start of the COVID/FRAUD
of the lies. His integrity is off the
charts fantastic and his writings are very well done. He typically has a
new article every weekday. Recently he wrote about Jesus whether he'd be
allowed to practice healing without a license. Not sure if he found out
yet that Jesus was a construct of the Roman Empire. He might want to
look into that. I appreciated his work in 2020 more but then he
put it behind a substack wall so now he preaches to the choir. No longer
allows comments without paying for the privledge. Fuck that.
interview with Rappoport and Cowan talk about no virus isolate ever been available
If Jesus returned
would governments allow His healing powers to be used to cure
the world's biggest health threat or would they first make him go to
medical school for 10 years? And what would your world be like
if viruses did not exist?
Jon Rappoport official site
Tom Woods on medical cults
& dictatorships
he calls out the renamed flu fraud that has consumed
the world today
look on the page for his ongoing podcasts. On his page he features a
book that says to end the war on terror. If we step back and think about
this, the war on terror is terror! No war on terror should ever start!
he tried to inform legislators at the beginning of the fake demic
Latest Earthquakes at
World History
i N T E R N E T M A T T E R
Why did man not notice the moon from the moon? ![]() Some of the travelers there also said they did not remember seeing stars! Obviously they never went there. WATCH Apollo 11.666 press conference at 36 min start of audience questions. One of them stated being "spellbound" for 2 and 1/2 hours and yet didn't see stars. Spellbound by what? Not seeing stars in space is like traveling to the forest to go camping and saying "I don't remember seeing trees". Proper science would start questioning why this response was as such. It would ask if being spellbound was this because of witchcraft instead of space craft? It's mentioned in the presser they were going around the moon, in more recent times public officials including former president Obama stated we can't leave Earth's orbit. Obviously the whole thing is a fraud. More proof of that is heard by one of the astronaut actors who says that the moon had sunrise and sunset. Seeing stars? The middle dude says he could only see the stars using the [special] optics. The one furthest away from us says "I don't remember seeing any". They were never on the moon. They were on the movie set. Jump to 46 min to hear this part. They had a hard time answering what is the meaning of the first man being on another planet. Here's another presentation of the same conference. In this one the part where the astronaut says "the sun disappears" which is hysterically laughable is heard about the 57 min mark. WATCH China also went to movie space and proved how easily it is to forget to pack the fish eye curved lens when heating to the studio and trying to meet press deadlines. watch
what if the moon is a reflection of a bigger world than we think see if you can find the Urth there (formerly called Waldo) we live on a planette it is a smaller section of the flat plane that stretches into infinity man has not even begun to comprehend how vast this plane extends any more than a mosquito could understand how much blood and gore is out there to feast on "What would the world be like if everyone knew viruses do not exist and space junk is real" Which high school created this piece of junk in art class? hint: think laughable lunar landar ha ha ha haaaaaa ha what a joke, and look for the gold foil lam'e and cardboard pulled out of a trash bin thrown together, I can just hear them saying in crunch time, "Hey let's go with it and see if anyone notices" and no one did No virus exists, not cold and flu (covid), not rabies, not any of them, the whole thing is a medical marketing construct using smoke, mirrors, lab fakery, assertions with no proof it's all junk science used to sell drugs that don't do anything to stop what does not exist. The only thing that ever escapes from labs is Horseshit In Virology (HIV). It's just computer models. No proof of any virus existence anywhere. The marketing term now is "in silico" which is like playing pong and believing the ball is real. Dr. Andrew Kaufman and Dr. Stefan Lanka who proved viruses do not exist explain this in detail Ya have to wonder if they fooled the public with space junk what else did "they" fool us with? What about that fear inducing nuclear bomb crap? Have you ever seen the photos, I mean studied the photos, with an open critical mind, they shoveled into our minds about Hiroshima? How can a bomb only "vaporize" humans into dust leaving a carbon imprint on a wooden shack while the wooden shack remains standing? Impossible.
we always see one side of the moon
22021321 watch the shadow of a bird or something on the surface of the moon thus using THE SCIENCE we just proved that birds also went there what if this is a map of our universe and there are other universes beyond that into infinity
theory is the moon is plasma reflection refraction based just outside our atmosphere, look at the center that is Earth, just a fuzzy dot but in the middle, the white dot middle radius at 22:30 is Jupiter the biggest planet, the lower larger fuzziier dot further out radius at 17:45 is the Sun some may say this is crazy or a wacky theory or lunatic I call it perspective perspectives are not always correct in ABSOLUTE science the perspective if correct can be repeated CONSISTENTLY with varied analysis we can see proof of this with many things, we theorize a moving vehicle can be built from raw materials, it gets done, it's consistent, it commutes people to places in RELATIVE science the perspective if if incorrect does not repeat, it becomes inconsistent in it's measure and results, visuals are inconsistent, often not clear, distorted, bastardized, that would best describe the JUNK/SCIENCE of virology the junk science of virology and it's sister drag show performer drug treatments are all over the map never providing anything but RELATIVE measure for example the ABSOLUTE measure of what was previously known as a "vaccine" effectiveness is ZERO the RELATIVE measure was all over the map as we saw appear during the eclipse of the SARS2 fraud details on that comparison here if the moon lights up the Earth when it's full then why isn't the moon being lit up when the Earth is full someone is full of it we should be able to see the entire moon lit as we see in a daytime image of the moon showing just a sliver why is the rest of it not visible to a degree by the reflection the Earth lit up by the sun the same way as moon lights up where we live?
you being alive saves lives once upon a time a unicorn was not dangerous and the world was so obviously flat everyone could see how flat it was as there was no TV to tell them it was any different than what was obvious and as Christopher columbus sailed the ocean that was blue at the time they all LOL'd with him as he was going so far and it was such a flat journey they said "you will fall off" and they were the first explorers of the English language to ROFL at anyone that would actually believe that their joke would be taken seriously but that's exactly what happened by the 20th century as no one in Chrissy's time believed ever they would fall off the edge of the Earth and not hit an ice wall separating us from the bigger world we see a reflection of right in front of your face every 30 days when you see the Full Moon see if you can spot the Full Earth
in 1912 this is what was presented as a solar eclipse
stock prices Jauary 1759
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THE/SCIENCE A little experiement shows us how science can so easily consist of magic tricks.
Analysis though using proper science reveals the tricks. First, the focus of the magnified sun dot is bigger less intense heat on the white paper a disingenuous little trick by the scientist here. The focus of the magnified sun dot is intense and smaller on the red blotched paper. The red is made using a marker of red coloring which has volitile organic chemicals that BURN EASILY added to the paper. It's basically like placing a few drops of lighter fluid there in red. Thus it catches fire easily with the added heat from the more intense magnified sun dot. Basically this is the kind of science used in virology to trick people even some of the scientists and doctors, especially the public and politicians. They can't find "viruses" as they describe them so they add chemicals to a biological sample of blood or snot to make make it burn so to speak. Then they say "look that's what viruses do to the cells, it's right there we can see what they are doing" as they are pointing to a biological mess of burnt particles of what came out of bodily fluids. It's Hustle In Virology. HIV. This is the kind of science that is being hustled on the public world wide by drug companies, public institutions like the CDC, FDA, NIAID, all of them who continue to spread the lies of pseudoscience. They are all full of it. They are all Hustlers In Virology (HIV). LEARN MORE ABOUT THE HUSTLES IN VIROLOGY (HIV) Hellth departments can't even prove their most basic assertions of any virus being shown to be in existence. calendar date, daily weather events, power outage maps powers the world with clean reliable information on Nu Clear energy and energy change cleans house so you don't have to